Organizational development, Organizational coaching

Organizational development, Organizational coaching

Is always tailored to the needs and wishes of the client, and will be agreed upon at the start of our cooperation. You can ask for an offer for development or coaching.

Organizational development is a process where individuals, groups or teams are helped to strengthen their resources in order to attain established goals. Organizational coaching supports the functioning of an organization, good leadership, improved organization of work tasks, a good working atmosphere, implementing change, maintaining the capacity to work, and preventing as well as solving conflicts and disagreements.

An article: Työn tuuli 2/2013. Merja Munnukka-Dahlqvist. Henkilöstöammattilainen työyhteisön kehittäjänä- tiedostamaton ja systeeminen näkökulma työskentelysuhteen luomisessa. Henkilöstöjohdon ryhmä-Henry ry.

There are typically three distinct phases in organizational development/coaching: the starting phase, the working phase and the evaluation phase.

Starting phase

  • Assessing the baseline situation and needs
  • Establishing ground rules
  • Setting goals
  • Agreeing upon a timetable, meeting schedule and ways of working
  • Committing to working towards development together according to the framework agreed upon

Working phase

  • All participate in scheduled meetings
  • Working towards the established goals
  • Action research-type working focusing on practical challenges and problems as well as development of resources and solutions
  • Working on resistance to change
  • Encouragement and challenges, assignments to be done between meetings

Evaluation phase

  • Assessing how well the goals have been met, have sufficient gains been made?
  • Follow-up
  • Development plan

Separate supervision for leadership and management – Organizational Coaching

Organizational coaching supports the improvement of management communication and serves the following objectives

  • A shared vision
  • Trust in the chosen management techniques
  • Initiating necessary changes
  • Commitment to the organization’s goals

Methods used

  • Joint interactive exploration
  • Clarification of the basic task
  • Activity-based exercises and methods
  • Individual, pair and team exercises
  • Assignments to be done between meetings
  • Psychoeducation and information as needed
  • Process follow-up and management

General themes

The themes we work on depend on the team or group, and their contents can vary widely depending on the current needs. Working on well-chosen themes strengthens organizational skills.

Some examples are: clarification of the basic task of the team, understanding shared goals, commitment and motivation, shared ground rules and division of responsibilities, creativity and enthusiasm, strengthening of autonomy, inner entrepreneurship, client-centeredness, commitment and responsibility-taking, clarification of management practices, solving and preventing conflicts.